

Sustainability is currently one of the top priorities of the global community to combat the negative impact of man-made climate change on the environment. As Swiss companies are at the forefront of innovation and developing solutions to address the world's current problems, the Swiss-Thai Chamber of Commerce has decided to establish a working group to organize activities, enhance collaboration and showcase our members' capabilities in this area.

Vision & Values of the Working Group:

The working group bases its definition of sustainability on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations, rather than the narrower definition of "green sustainability." This means that we focus on a holistic approach to sustainable development which implies an integrated achievement of economic, environmental and social goals.

The working group's goal is to raise awareness, act as a driver, and measure the impact of chamber members in the area of sustainability. We know there is a lot of talk about sustainability, but the working group should focus on action and tangible results in the medium term. The goal is also to create a platform for sustainable collaboration among members through this working group and to focus on best practices and innovations that could prove impactful in the Thai context.

In addition, this working group aims to bridge the gap between the government and the private sector when it comes to policy on sustainability issues and provide clarity to members in this regard.

While understanding, that one alone cannot achieve the goals we will place particular emphasis on collaborative and community-building policies and practices that benefit both business and the community. The activities of the working group will be guided by the attitude of "walk the talk!"


The Board of Directors has appointed Ms. , CFO of Dow-SCG and Mr. , Co-Founder of Mister Loo as Co-Chairs of this working group.

Upcoming Actions:

  1. we call on interested members, especially the sustainability heads, to join this working group.
  2. the working group will define the scope, objectives, KPIs and theme for the working group
  3. set-up of a data base with best-practices & partners

All interested members who wish to be involved in the working group can contact
